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Pay Attention | 5 Signs Of A Failing Fuel Pump That Needs Your Attention

Imagine what will happen if your heart stops functioning the way it should. Scary isn’t it? Well, much like our bodies, our vehicles too are susceptible to such a failure, that might affect the heart of your vehicle; the fuel pump. But before failing completely, a failing fuel pump will give out a few sign and symptoms that can help you take swift action before it’s too late. So here are 5 signs of a failing fuel pump.

  1. Excessive Jerks During Driving

    Stalling Engine Issues // Only For Representation

    If you are driving your vehicle and notice that your engine is jerking, you may be having a failing fuel pump. This issue occurs when the pump isn’t able to deliver a smooth flow of fuel to the engine. What happens is that a failing pump starts to periodically pump only air to the engine instead of fuel. This periodic interruption in the flow of fuel causes your engine to skip a few power strokes, resulting in short-lived jerks. In the early stages, these jerks only last for a minute before the engine recovers, but in reality, this issue directly relates to a failing pump.

  2. Loss Of Power During Acceleration

    Loss Of Power // Only For Representation

    If you notice that your vehicle has started to lose power when you try to accelerate from a halt, it is likely that your fuel pump may be the reason. Since accelerating requires a greater amount of fuel, it forces your pump to work harder. While a healthy pump can very well handle the demand, a failing one may not be able to keep up, starving your engine of the required fuel.

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  3. Loss Of Power While Driving Uphill

    2020 Honda City Hill Start Assist
    Loss of power while driving uphill // Only for representation

    Certain driving behaviours, such as going uphill or towing a load usually places an extra burden on your engine and demands excess fuel to deliver optimum output. If and when your pump isn’t working as it should, it cannot keep up with such increased fuel demand. Therefore in face of these demanding situations, your pump will undergo excessive strain, causing the weak elements to completely fail. Therefore, noticing a loss of power during strenuous driving is a clear cut indicator that something is wrong with your fuel pump.

  4. Engine Stalling

    Car Damaging Habits
    Low fuel in car / image for representation only

    As your pump begins to wear out, its components start to fail at different rates. When a majority of these parts give up the pressure in your fuel lines start to become inconsistent. In such circumstances, you may notice that your engine suddenly stalls for a few moments. Such surges indicate that your fuel pump might be failing and needing a replacement/repair.

  5. Engine Not Starting At All

    Engine Failure // Only for Representation

    If you happen to ignore the warning signs, your pump would eventually fail completely. Once that happens, absolutely no fuel will reach your engine. You may hear the spark plugs firing, but without fuel, the engine won’t be able to turn on. But since there could be other explanations for your engine’s failure, it is crucial to confirm that your pump has indeed failed.

    So these were 5 common signs of a failing/failed fuel pump. Stay pinned to the GoMechanic blog where we bring to you crucial signs and symptoms to look out for in a vehicle. And if you are facing any of the above-mentioned issues, we advise you to schedule your car service with GoMechanic where we use quality spares and essentials from GoMechanic Spares, to repair or replace your fault Fuel Pump. You can also choose from a wide range of quality spares that are 100% authentic and tailor-made for your beloved vehicle.

    Also Read: Pay Attention | 4 Major Signs Of A Failing AC Compressor

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Sankul Nagpal
Sankul Nagpal
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